The Ministry Pillars

1. STRATEGIC RESEARCH: We prepare the way for church growth by working with church planting teams and church strategists to identify the status of the Church in every city and nation we work in looking specifically for people groups and areas with little or no evangelical presence.  We then provide this strategic information as books and/or electronic data and provide training seminars so that this research can be used effectively.

Mexico Today & Tomorrow – A socio religious study of the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City. This investigation which includes six documents was completed in 1990, and was the basis for the development of our 10,000 by the year 2000 project through which we worked towards ensuring there were 10,000 home churches or small groups year 2000.

Metropolis 2000 – An update of the Mexico Today & Tomorrow study which was published in 2000 as part of our 10,000 by the year 2000 project.

National Evangelical Panorama – This study came as a result of data collected through the My Hope Mexico Project in 2006 and is a socio-religious study which includes a data base of 22,000 churches.

2. LEADERSHIP TRAINING: Through our Training Center we provide training on Biblical Principles and Models to equip national workers to become effective and faithful servants. We encourage and train leaders in:  Evangelism, Church Planting, World Missions, Christian Counseling and Christian Leadership.

Our Training Center is located close to Mexico City in Texcoco. Since 1984 more than 1,000 Pastors and leaders have participated in different training opportunities at the Center.

Our Training Center is also made available to local churches to hold their trainings, retreats and meetings.

3. EVANGELISM: We motivate, train and mobilize believers to evangelize in their communities, their cities and their nations.

Vision 20/20 National Plan of Evangelism –  Our goal is for disciples to be multiplied and new churches to be planted so that 20% of the population of the nation of Mexico will become believers in our Lord Jesus Christ by the year 2020.

 Evangelistic Campaigns –  VELA is committed to motivating the local church to organize evangelistic events.  We provide the church with training, materials and if needed an evangelist so that they are empowered to fulfilling the Great Commission in their communities.

4. PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS: We connection churches and organizations in the USA and Canada to legitimate ministry needs in Latin America. We also are serving to assists other organizations with the Great Commission by accomplishing joint evangelistic projects.

Center Street Church, Calgary, Canada –  We motivate and train a network of  multiplying and growing churches with the goal of assisting them to become self-sufficient, growing, productive churches.

           VELA and ServeNow Ministries have joined forces to jointly increase the Great Harvest in Latin America. ServeNow has provided foundational books to help believers understand their                       faith and share it effectively with others.

o Evangelistic Festivals – through our partnership with BGEA we have assisted with the preparations for Festivals with Franklin Graham, Will Graham and Associate Evangelists in Mexico City and different parts of Latin America.

o In 2006 we partnered with BGEA to implement My Hope Mexico through which 551,528 people made decisions for Christ  and 36,796 people were baptized all over the country as a result of evangelistic programs which were broadcast on local networks.

o Peace with God Internet Evangelism – in 2013 we joined efforts with BGEA to launch this cutting edge ministry in Mexico. During the first year of this ministry 156,744 people visited the website and 18,359 made decisions for Christ.

Short term missions – We connect churches and ministries with opportunities of service in Mexico.  Teams, couples and individuals serve helping with construction projects, teaching, meeting social needs and sharing the Gospel. Throughout our years of ministry hundreds of young people and adults have been encouraged in their faith after serving one or two weeks in the field.